BFFs First Weekend Apart jeu:

1 Joueur, Fille, Habillage, Android, HTML5, Maquillage / Relooking, Mobile, iPhone, iPad, Écran tactile, Bitent | Ajouté le 26 Apr 2019
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Goldie is going to spend this weekend apart her bff's, Eliza and Cindy. Elza is going to fly over to a sunny beach while Cindy is visiting New York. Goldie decided to visit her family at the countryside. Even though they will spend the weekend apart, the girls can still spend the time together planning their weekend outfits. Why don't you join them. Pick a cute fruit printed outfit for Goldie, choose sparkly look for Cindy and a colorful look for Elza. Create their makeup and hairstyle too! Have fun!

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