King of Fighters wing 1.6b jeu:

2 Joueurs, Combat, Flash, Combat de rue | (21.2 MB) Ajouté le 05 Oct 2011
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Wolves attacking! this version joined Terry to the "King of Fighters" team! Point to 10 roles.
Hold the head in the selection letter O key to select the role "inner model."
Optional direct runaway Iori, Boss serpent is still hidden role.

Comment jouer:

player 1: WSAD J K control movement, heavy, heavy foot, L Dodge, U light punch, I light foot, O gas explosion.
player 2 : direction =. Left / to control movement, the number keys 1 heavy, 2 foot, 3 Dodge, 4 light punch, 5 light foot, 6 Gas Explosion

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King of Fighters wing 1.6b
King of Fighters wing 1.6b
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