Lili's Skating Badge jeu:

Casse-tête, 1 Joueur, Skateboard, Pièges, Glace, Adresse avec la souris, Obstacles, Skating, HTML5, Mobile, Écran tactile, Sports extrêmes, Réflexion | Ajouté le 07 Aug 2020
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first ever skating game in this category has ever had, meaning that you are up for a new and interesting experience, one we have no doubt at all you are going to enjoy a lot. Up next, let us explain what you have to do, so when you finish reading this, playing the game will be a piece of cake! The goal that you have is to help Lili get to her badge. Figure out the correct path she has to take, and place the arrows in the correct order, and then click on Go. If you have set the direction correctly, Lili is going to get to the badge. For each new level, there is a new puzzle for you to solve, but we are sure that if you focus, you are going to find it's solutions all the time, and do just great. Good luck to you, and don't leave, since we have even more great games for you to have fun with today!

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Lili's Skating Badge
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