Little Labrador Accident jeu:

1 Joueur, Flash, Chien, Animal, Toilettage | (1.48 MB) Ajouté le 19 Sep 2015
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Grace is the prettiest in the hometown. She has a Labrador which is very cute and brisk. They would play in the garden every evening. When they were playing in the garden the pet of the girl fell in the clumsy ground. Therefore the pet is dirty and smells disgusting. Since Grace is very small, she cannot manage cleaning the pet all alone. Give your helping hand to the kid. You can take your own time. Clean the pet using shampoo and soap. Clean the pet properly and thoroughly. After cleaning the pet you join them and spend the leisure with them. The mom of the girl would be pleased if she comes to know of your generosity. Now the kid is fond of you so much. Let your comradeship grow day by day. Have a good time with each other.

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